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The Establishment of Woodbridge Trust in 2018 was the culmination of the partnership working and high aspirations which have underpinned our ethos for many years. As a family of schools and Outreach service, our overarching vision is “Inspiring successful futures for all”.

Woodbridge Trust consists of Ladywood School, Firwood High School, Woodbridge SEND Service (formerly Ladywood Outreach) and Woodbridge College. We believe all schools are unique and our Trustees are committed to ensuring that this remains so. We believe that effective improvement comes from creating the right balance between autonomy and accountability.

Woodbridge Trust offers a tailored approach to school support, effectiveness and improvement within this structure, utilising the skills of our Trust and our wider school partners in consultation with your leadership team. We have experienced leaders throughout the Trust with proven track records of school support and improvement.

We expect all schools will share their journey, skills and expertise with other schools within Woodbridge Trust, becoming hubs from which to disseminate good practice and develop a school led system of self-sustaining cultural aspiration.

In addition to the excellent educational offer we have an exceptional Central Team providing support in Finance, Human Resources, Health & Safety, IT, Marketing and PR, Legal and Governance

If you are interested in joining Woodbridge Trust then please email to arrange a meeting with our CEO, Mike Sidebottom

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Woodbridge Academy Trust

(A Company Limited by Guarantee), Registered in England & Wales. 
Company Registration Number: 11538176

Registered office: Masefield Road, Little Lever, Bolton, BL3 1NG

01204 333400

If you require paper copies, free of charge, of any information on this website, please contact the trust office

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