“Inspiring Successful Futures For All”
The quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. Too often we underestimate the power of a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which at Woodbridge Trust we believe have the potential to turn a life around.
Here at Woodbridge Trust we value everyone and treat people with dignity and professionalism.
To be open and transparent, actively embracing equality and diversity and having an honest, inclusive and respectful culture within which all at Woodbridge can trust.
Our principles add depth to our values, supporting our vision and provide clear guidance on expectations for all who work in Woodbridge Trust:
o Develop strong character traits that align to our Trust values: Kindness - Respect - Integrity.
o Collaboratively offer Excellent Education for all.
o Ensure everyone is an active and valued member of our community
o Ensure bold and dynamic leaders are developed at all levels to create a culture of continuous improvement.
o Maintain a strong culture of professional development ensuring excellent teaching, positive relationships and enjoyment every day!
o Ensure a model of internal challenge and self-review to establish the success of the Trust offer.
o To be open and connected, actively seeking collaboration to ensure the continuous and sustainable development of our Trust.