Woodbridge College is a provision for young people aged 19 – 25 years with severe learning difficulties. The college currently has 21 students and this will grow over 2/3 years to approximately 30. At Woodbridge College, we believe that all our learners should have equal life chances in terms of education, employment, independent living, good health, friends and community inclusion. We, therefore, offer individual learning pathways to enable our learners to have both choice and control over their lives.
Working towards meaningful and sustainable opportunities for all our learners in adulthood, based on their individual needs and aspirations.
Offering highly personalised and progression focussed learning programmes across the four elements of the Preparing for Adulthood Framework.
Learners who enrol at Woodbridge College have the opportunity to work towards the achievement of their aspirations, whether these are linked to the development of their life skills or work skills. Our programmes involve opportunities for community engagement, the development of living skills, supported work placements where appropriate, as well as leisure opportunities. All supported through a comprehensive accreditation offer.
To find out more, or get in touch visit the Woodbridge College Website.